Out now on digital platforms!
Kingdom of Corrupts is a 2d side scroller adventure game. The game tells the story of a kingdom ruined by the invasive efforts of bandits and civil war. Henry, our hero, embarks on an adventure to save the queen and to set her up back on the throne. There will be missions assigned to you where you will be asked to slay the bandit leaders and protect the kingdom castles against bandits. All there is for you is to let it flow wondering where this adventure will take you…
All the adventure Henry has been through is mixed with platform elements, so the game will be interesting and intriguing. If you, as a player, are curious and patient, you will be able to reunite the disintegrated army, protect the castles and deal a blow to the heart of bandits. Our hero will leap from walls, over seas of buzz saws, through crumbling caves and pools of old needles. Kingdom of Corrupts brings the old school difficulty of classic titles like Braid, VVVVVV and Super Meat Boy.
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